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Monday, November 10, 2014

Obtaining information from a satellite image data

Satellite image data is a collection of information about the earth’s surface. The information is represented in the form of series of digital numbers. If it is displayed on the computer screen will show a spatial picture of the earth. Maybe we can get some information by looking at the display. But at other times, it may take a digital processing to obtain such information. This is especially necessary if the analysis is based on the digital value of the image. The information can also be obtained through the analysis of the temporal image, such as land use change analysis. 

Part of the ancient Bengawan Solo from Landsat 8 OLI band 431

The description above gives an understanding of the multiple ways to get information from satellite image data. Briefly, the acquisition of information from an optical image data can be done through an analysis based on :
·  Spectral characteristics
·  Spatial characteristics
·  Temporal characteristics

Spectral characteristics include frequency, reflection dan emission properties. Spatial characteristics include shape and size of the object on the earth surface, view angle of the sensors, texture, site, distribution, etc. Temporal characteristics include change in time and position.